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What are you reading?

In our house we read - everything. Heck as a child I would even read the back of the bubble bath, listerine, etc while taking a bath if a book wasn't handy. I'm glad that love of reading has been passed down. I noticed my son reading the CliffNotes for Atlas Shrugged last night after having finished Atlas Shrugged a month earlier (and it was not required reading - we don't do that in this family). Currently, I have a homeschooling book, a mystery book and just finished the book on cd for YOU.


  1. Coconut and Coffee said...
    Thank you for posting these news clips! How interesting...and fascinating... My thoughts? Though a candidate like Fred Thompson may not prove to be adequate enough as a President to command the proper actions to match his ideals, in order to take care of the unorderly barrage of tasks in front of him, he seems to be the perfect mastermind that directs and drives the President who is more skilled in fearlessly ordering a nation with clear, concise commands. A candidate such as Fred Thompson is crucial to the governing power because he sees the bigger picture, globally and futuristically, and lives in the present accordingly, to the genius workings and mapping out of theory and strategy, best fit to avoid and/or minimize crises. Thought is the first and foremost form of action, however, thought alone cannot suffice to run the country effectively. Fred Thompson may be the mastermind who is able to lay out the most logical direction, whereby a more experienced President must come up with a viable and efficient means of enforcing the said strategy.
    Coconut and Coffee said...
    Thank you for posting! How interesting... and fascinating... My thoughts? Though a candidate such as Fred Thompson may not prove adequate-- to command proper action to match his perfected ideals, in order to take care of the unorderly barrage of tasks on his plate, as President-- he seems the perfect mastermind, the director, who is profoundly capable of steering and navigating the aim for the President--one skilled and experienced with carrying out the fearless ordering of an an entity of factions-- with clear, concise, and confident commands.
    A candidate such as Fred Thompson is crucial to the governing power-- he sees the bigger picture in full, globally and futuristically, and lives in the present accordingly to the genius workings and mapping out of theory and strategy, best fit to avoid and/or minimize crises.
    Thought (followed by intent) is the first and foremost form of action, however, it alone does not suffice to run a country effectively.
    Fred Thompson may be the mastermind, able to lay out the most logical direction, whereby a more experienced President must pick up and continue on with a viable and efficient means of enforcing the said strategy.

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