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Still proceeding with Left Behind

Just finished Desecration. I am committed to finishing this series.

One thing I did want to share (using Wikipedia for a source - for what that is worth) are some of the criticisms about this book/series

Controversies and criticisms
Some evangelicals are seriously concerned about the message of the genre. Their objections are based on the paucity of scriptural evidence for the Pre-Tribulation Rapture which forms the basis for the story. The supposition is that the Christian Church will not be present for the "final witness" nor need to prepare themselves in the faith for that possibility. It forms a growing basis for discussion among evangelicals who hold to a
Post Tribulation Rapture, amillennialism, or forms of preterism.
Other evangelicals object to the message of Left Behind because they say it is not a Christian message, though framed as a Christian series.
Loren L. Johns, the Academic Dean of the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, writes: "At the end of the day, this series is ultimately a rejection of the good news of Jesus Christ. I say this because it rejects the way of the cross and Jesus’ call to obedient discipleship and a new way of life. It celebrates the human will to power, putting Evangelical Christians in the heroic role of God’s Green Berets. ... Love of enemies is treated as a misguided strategy associated not with the gospel, but with the Antichrist."[3]
The Commission on Theology and Church Relations of the
Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) reported that "the ideas expressed in the Left Behind series are in many ways contrary to the teaching of holy scripture. Though containing a fictional story line, the books promote a theology that is, in important respects, at odds with the biblical revelation."[4]
Lisa Ruby, writer of over 50 investigative articles about the Left Behind Series, and a book, God's Wrath on Left Behind, insists the novels are filled with soul-subverting messages: "My focus is not on the author's eschatological bent, but rather, the apostate thinking and behavior of the allegedly Christian characters. The Left Behind Series is conditioning people to believe that Christians may work at Satan's headquarters and even "pretend" to worship the Antichrist during the Tribulation without forfeiting their souls."
Other Christians find the focus on the Rapture as a dramatic device in a "Christian" film gives too much credence to this debatable theory. Some Christians find the use of Biblical interpretations for commercial entertainment somewhat exploitive and disingenuous, in spite of the claims of some that the books and movie have helped bring new believers to Christianity.


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