This has been a great period in our lives as far as pursuing our passion for reading. Here are the books that we are at various stages of reading (and in some cases re-reading). Please note, none of these books are "required" reading - Love2Read
Devotions for Men on the Go - Stephen Arterburn and Bill Farrel
The MacArthur Study Bible
Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective
Imaginary Weapons - Sharon Weinberger
The Elements of Style - William Strunk Jr. & E. B. White
250 Essential Kanji for Everyday Use (Vol. 2) - Kanji Text Research Group (University of Tokyo)
Dragons of Spring Dawning (Dragonlance Chronicles - Vol 3) - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
Basic Connections (Making Your Japanese Flow) - Kakuko Shoji
Japanese Language in Use (An Introduction) - Toshiko Yamaguchi
The Teenage Liberation Handbook - Grace Llewellyn
The Invitation - Oriah Mountain Dreamer
The High School Handbook - Mary Schofield
Black Pain - Terrie M. Williams
Labels: Current Readings