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An Absolutely Adorably Book

Big Bad Bunny Big Bad Bunny by Franny Billingsley

My review

rating: 5 of 5 stars
The mother in me loves this book.

View all my reviews.

Rest in Peace to a very hard working and dedicated reporter
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Doesn't the Cold Weather...

make you want to curl up with a good book while sipping coffee or hot chocolate or tea.

Or possibly curl up with some nice homemade soup or chili with a book...

Just do it. Take time to rediscover the joy of reading

It has been a while...

but we've finally been able to get more radio shows on tape/cd from the library. Yesterday we picked up and listed to - The National Lampoon Radio Hour "Best Moments". It wasn't my favorite - by a long shock and I only found a few funny, but I'm hoping this means that the ones I've had on hold are starting to come in.

This was part of the "Flashback" series and some of the actors/comedians were - Bill Murray, Gilda Radner, Billy Crystal, Christopher Guest, John Belushi, Harold Ramis

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