and they're all at various stages of being read. I am determined to finish one before I add another one to the stack but so far. We'll see how it goes. But here they are so far
Hiragana For Fun: A Japanese Syllabic Alphabet Workbook
Fit & Well Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness
Are You Ready!
Rembering the Kana
Get Wet, Get Fit The Complete Guide to Getting a Swimmer's Body
The Eat-Clean Diet Workout
Body for Life
Berlitz Essential Japanese
The Diabetes Improvement Program
The Real Age Workout
Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?
I'm interested to see how this plagiarism thing plays out
0 comments Posted by A Family/Group Member at 8:48 PMTaken from the New York Times article, please click link for complete updated story.
New Bout in Seinfeld Cookbook Battle
“Deceptively Delicious,” the cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld whose recipes for concealing puréed vegetables in comfort food for children bore such similarities to another cookbook’s that it inspired a lawsuit from that book’s author, shot to the top of the Amazon best-seller list on Wednesday, nine months after it was published.
The sharp rise in sales caught the eyes of both books’ publishers, who traced it to the rerun on Tuesday of an episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” that featured Ms. Seinfeld. The appearance also subsequently lifted sales of “The Sneaky Chef,” by Missy Chase Lapine, the author who is suing Ms. Seinfeld.
The books, similar in theme, content and appearance, remain inextricably tied to each other. On Amazon, shoppers viewing “Deceptively Delicious” are prodded to order “The Sneaky Chef,” and vice versa.
R.I.P. Randy Pausch, thanks for making a difference. You will be missed.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, "I used everything you gave me" --Erma Bombeck
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Life has been keeping us busy. It seems that we've had so many library videos to try to get through we haven't had time to get back to our book on tapes. I miss that because it is something we usually do as a family and I value family time.
Anyway, today was able to finish up #6 in the Left Behind series: ASSASSINS, Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist. The middle part lagged for me but by the time I was at the end I was kicking myself for not having #7 ready. So I'm about to head to the library website and put it on hold and hope it comes in sooner rather than later.
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